
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Baby Hat

Baby Hat

With baby and holidays, I haven't had time to do much crafting lately.
But I did manage to whip up this cute little pom pom hat for him.

The photo shoot started going down hill..
but his little cry face is so cute I couldn't stop taking pictures....
I just love him.


  1. Achhh, lovely pom,pom hat you have made end oh, what a cute little boy, whit big hands, hy bycome a strong man when hy's much older ;)

  2. he keeps getting cuter and cuter. ohhhh! i love him!

  3. He's so super cute julie and i love that little hat.
    do i see corine in his face? i think so.

  4. I love this post, that adorable hat, and your baby so much (in reverse order than I wrote them!)

  5. oh my gosh, he is so cute and so perfect. love this post <3

  6. My favorite pictures. Can Link just please stay this size forever?

  7. This pattern is adorable. I like your baby. I made a set of them for a friend's twins. I have a Great pleasure to read your experience.
